Dirt Devils - Beasleys

Event information

This is our weekly social ride, especially for the kids! Our coaches will take our budding MTB superstars off on the tracks for some fun and occasionally a few skills.

Must be a club member

Must have a signed waiver to participate

Must sign up for each week to participate

Please check Facebook in case of bad weather.

Covid - 19 and General health considerations:

I understand the following to participate in a WMTB social ride:

I will let the instructor know if I have any special health needs or considerations.

I will not attend if I am unwell or someone in my household is unwell

I will register for participation

I will supply my own food and hydration

I will not share any food or hydration

I will not snot or blow in front of another rider

I will cover my mouth in the event of sneezing or coughing

I will consider others